Frequently Asked Questions


Tick infestations have been a recurrent problem with my dog. I am fed up with the harsh chemical based shampoos which is generally recommended for addressing the problem. Vomition is common after use of such preparations, if the dog licks it or its froth enters the mouth while shampooing. Once there was persistent vomition and our vet had a tough time making him normal. Please suggest a solution for getting rid of ticks without harming my dear dog.

Chemical based shampoos are generally of organo-phosphorus compounds, which are very toxic for our loved animals. While excess toxicity can kill them , recurrence of even mild toxicity during their application over a period of time is very injurious to their health damaging vital organs like liver.

Fipronil is the latest molecule of ectoparasiticidals which not only is most efficacious against ticks, lice fleas etc, it’s the safest of all chemical ectoparasiticidals for dogs. In the tick season, regular once in a fortnight use of DELETIK, a fipronil containing shampoo would prevent the tick infestation onto the body of your dear dog. It should be followed up with DELETIK dusting powder containing fipronil. Same combination can be used even when there are ticks, lice and fleas on the body. You would be relieved from your dog’s vomition problems even if your dog accidentally licks Deletik in mild quantity.

Making the vicinity of your dog’s place tick-free is a long term solution for tick problems. DELEMITE containing amitraz is one of the ideal solutions for the purpose. Please consult your vet too.

Our doggy, has long furs. It terribly stinks (bad odour) during humid and hot weather. In monsoon season it is worst. Can you advice any way out?

You may use the de-odoriser shampoo GLOSSOM / DOGFUR regularly. Fragrance remains for quite a long time.

Lucy , a 2 year old Spitz has long hair. Hence her fur tend to tangle quite often. After bathing, tangling/ knotting problem increases. What should be done to keep her fur free from any tangles and knots thereby look better.

You need to shampoo regularly with a good detangling shampoo like GLOSSOM. After shampooing and towel drying, combing with wide toothed comb is required. It also gives exotic fragrance for quite a long time. It makes fur lustrous and shiny too.

There are growing red spots near my pet’s excretory part and foul smell from whole body. He is itching too. Please help.

Must see your vet. Your vet may suggest you to use Petben® shampoo along with Amitraz liquid and/ or Ivermectin after seeing the case.. MERAMEC melt in mouth tablet containing ivermctin and DELEMITE solution containing amitraz may be used. For boosting body coat’s defence mechanism and hence speedy recovery, feed MAXIMIN coat & growth powder for atleast 14 days.

My dog’s hair shedding problem is continuous. It creates a mess in our house. We give Pedigree food in the morning daily and home made food in the evening. Please suggest solution urgently.

Feed the tasty MAXIMIN coat & growth powder @ 10g ( spoon inside container: one spoon full ) per 10 kg b.w. daily for at least ten to fifteen days either alone or along with food. Hair shedding, which is if nutritional in origin (most likely) would subside to minimal. However, Maximin needs to be given regularly for getting rid of the problem on regular basis. A gap of a week may be given in feeding Maximin.

My GSD bitch is not taking any food on its own and has to be spoon fed for one month age. We tried a lot of foods. But there is no improvement.

Please reduce feeding her manually (if being done). If other activities e.g alertness, playing etc are normal, please follow the given steps :

  1. De-worm every three months with KILVERM FBT ( 1 tab.per 10 kg b.w.) or any other de-wormer with three salts as mentioned in the de-worming schedule below.
  2. Feed GUTAPP syrup one to two tablespoons twice daily for at least 15 days for improving the appetite and gut health.
  3. If associated with diarrhea at times, DIZYLAC 6 dry syrup containing six gut acting agents including probiotics may be given

Plenty of physical exercise is advocated. If much improvement is not seen, see your vet. and the dog trainer.

I have a GSD which eats soil and also sometimes its own faeces (stool). Its been there since long. Please help immediately!

Must see your vet. Pica (mud eating) and Caprophagia (faeces eating) are very common in dogs. Conditions though not dangerous, are unpleasant to live with. Mostly, it is due to nutritional imbalance.

De-worm the dog first with three salt dewormer like KILVERM FBT. Try CALDOZ (2 testitabs per 15 kg b.w.) daily along with MAXIMIN coat & growth powder (15 g per 10 kg b.w.) for at least 15- 20 days. Continue the combination thereafter under the guidance of your vet. A gap of few days may be given. Parallely, behavioural changes and training should be given. e.g; saying strict ‘NO’ whenever dog tries to approach soil/ own faeces. Immediate praise and reward (e.g; tasty snacks) should be given after the dog’s obedience. Faeces should be immediately disposed off to pre destined place.

‘Sheru’ a 4 year old male GSD fell sick. Treatment was continued for around 14 days. Now he is alright..but gone down by weight very much. Our vet suggested a diet regime..but even after 20 days of becoming well he is a little over half the original body weight.

Feed the proven tasty MAXIMIN coat & growth powder @ 15g /10 kg b.w. along with his normal diet. Within two-three weeks he would approach his original body weight. Also consult your doctor.

My dog is suffering from diarrhoea since last 5 days. Though, doctor has given some medicines he is losing weight very fast . How to control the weight loss in such situation.

In diarrhoeal cases dogs are not able to assimilate nutrition out of whatever they eat into his body till the condition is controlled by medicines. At times, control process takes many a days. Hence they lose weight. First, diarrhoea needs to be arrested. If it’s simple indigestion, DIZYLAC 6 DS dry syrup containing probiotics and other five gut acting agents may be given alone. And, if it’s due to any bacterial infection, Dizylac should be given along with suitable antibiotics as suggested by your vet. Simultaneously, in such situation it is pertinent to feed him easily digestible food. Hence approx. 5-20 g MERALAC Pro ( depending upon age and breed) should be given every 2-3 hrs in form of paste along with water. This paste preparation may be forced licked by the dog. This should be continued for couple of days even after the diarrhoea stops for the digestive system to become stronger. After the diarrhoea stops or parallely, GUTAPP syrup may be started to enhance the appetite and keep the gut healthy from long term point of view.

My dog ‘s name is Suzy. He is sick for couple of days. Medication as advised by the doctor is continued. However, as in sickness dogs do not like to eat anything , he is also not eating anything and has gone down very much. Doctor is insisting on some food (nutrition ) should be taken for faster recovery. What should be done.

For faster recovery from any sickness, body’s stronger defence mechanism is important. Defence mechanism is strengthened when body gets proper nutrition through food intake…which is normally not possible as dogs stop eating. In such case make paste out of the tasty and easily digestible MEARLAC & curd in 1:1 ratio. Give such paste through spoon onto the tongue of the dog in smaller doses. Licked food can not be thrown out by the dog. Repeat the procedure until substantial amount is licked up. Keep on giving such paste every 2-3 hrs. Suzy is bound to recover faster. For healthy gut and appetite, GUTAPP syrup may be given regularly. If antibiotics is being given, then probiotics containing DIZYLAC should be given simultaneously.

I have a 25 days old female Labrador pup . Please guide me about his feeding, bathing, training and vaccination schedules.

Vaccination: To be done at the age of 6 weeks ( 7 in1 or 8 in 1) i.e; 7 or 8 (inclusive of Corona disease) diseases combined in one vaccine. Thereafter every 15 days to be repeated for another two times. Anti-Rabies vaccine to be given at the age of 12 weeks. Same should be repeated after 3 weeks as a booster dose.

Feeding: Feed four times daily with a gap of 4 hrs. Please do not give Human Cerelac as it is not meant for meeting a pup’s nutritional requirements essential especially for their coat’s (skin and fur) defense system. Instead, give the proven MERALAC Pro powder till 8-10 weeks. Paste is to be made along with lukewarm water in 1: 1 ratio with or without curd ( 1 part Meralac Pro) Read product label for exact dose per serving. One week before approaching 8 weeks, start giving boiled rice, boiled egg white etc and reduce the dose of Meralac Pro slowly. As the gut of pups is very sensitive, DIZYLAC 6 DS dry syrup containing enzymes, probiotics, gut acting vitamins, yeast, vitamin B –complex and electrolytes should be given regularly for keeping their gut healthy.

Bathing: Start from 3 months onwards . Till then give sponge bath once in 3-4 days.

Training: Most important at this stage is the ‘Toilet (potty ) training’ . Always take the pup outside ( garden, toilet/ terrace in case of flat) immediately after meals. Say a firm ‘NO’ in case passes stool/ urine inside house.

Why deworming schedule is there for dogs while it is not there in human beings. What is the schedule and medicine?

Dogs tend to sniff/ taste everything everywhere. Hence when outside, may intake unwanted worm infested stuff. This results in worm load inside the body. This necessitate a lifelong de-worming schedule which is given as under:

Age Frequency
2-12 weeks Once every 2 weeks
3 -6 months Once every month
After 6 months Once every 3 months to be continued life long.

For best results always go for broad spectrum dewormers having three salt combination of Praziquantel, Febantel & Pyrantel e.g; KILVERM FBT tablet.

Is there any specific dewormer for kittens

Yes. As febantel salt is recommended against in cats, dewormer containing fenbendazole and pyrantel pamoate combination is the ideal one for them. KILVERM Oral suspension, with such combination and suitable palatability for kitten may be used for the purpose.

Is there any specific dewormer for pups

Yes, dewormer for pups needs to be in oral drop form. A combination of pyrantel pamoate and fenbendazole acts as a broad spectrum dewormer. Time tested and proven KILVERM oral suspension with such combination may be used for the purpose.

How can a dog/ person bitten by a rabid dog is protected immediately ?

Rabies is a fatal zoonotic ( transmitted from animal to human being ) disease. A rabid dog usually die within few days. Hence after a person is bitten, if the dog dies within say 10 days.. the person is confirmed to be infected with rabies. However, the bitten dog/person needs to be protected right from the day one of biting. Immediately after biting, the wound needs to be washed with carbolic soap/ detergent e.g; Lifebuoy Red thoroughly. Do not bandage/close the wound at any point of time. Consult your Vet/ Doctor who would give Anti-Rabies post bite vaccine, the complete schedule of which is 0(first day)/3rd day/7th day/15th day/30th day/ 90th day of biting. Vaccine after 15th day may not be required to be given if the dog who has bitten does not die.

How to take care of old dog with reference to diet, possible sickness and dieting care.

As dogs get older, their energy (calorie) requirement reduces. Effciency of absorbing fatty acids/ proteins ( amino acids) from their diet reduces. Hence senior dogs may be given less fat and protein with higher fibre (carbohydrate) containing (for reducing constipation) diet. A lower level of Phosphorus and salt is beneficial for keeping healthy heart and kidney ( i.e; in heart & kidney related disease) In liver related disease , a diet essentially low in protein of good quality (high B.V. value) eg., cheese/ eggs white may be given. Chances of Kidney affection is more in older dogs. Hence older dogs need to drink plenty of clean water; a high energy diet , low in meat content ( meat is high in Phosphorus content) should be given. For healthy G.I. tract (digestive system) , diet needs to be supplemented with Vitamin B complex, enzymes, probiotics and gut acting vitamins. DIZYLAC 6 dry syrup containing all these can be given. For off fed situations, GUTAPP syrup may be given. GUTAPP, being a nervine tonic would also take care of loss of reflex actions associated with old age. Give the easily digestible complete food for pups, MERALAC PRO Change any food gradually. For maintaining bone’s strength ( tend to become weaker in old age), diet needs supplementation of calcium e.g; CALDOZ mega tesitabs.

How to know that my dog is pregnant or not. My female Lab is having her first Menstruation. When breeding can take place.

The female should be crossed after the stoppage of bleeding. Bleeding stops within 9-11 days and thereafter a female would accept a male dog. It is better to cross (mate) twice with a gap of 24 hrs.

Pregnancy period is 60 days. Pregnancy can be felt ( enlarged belly) easily after 30-40 days of mating. After 45 days , mammary gland would be enlarged. Milk would come out if milking is done.

Is SPAY/ NEUTER operation painful? Is Spaying beneficial? When it should be done?

A dog cat has the best chance of good health if spayed before her first heat. Early spaying reduce the chance that the animal accidentally escape and become pregnant. This is beneficial to prevent unwanted or any pregnancy. The operation of Spaying/ Neutering is done under anaesthesia wherein the animal is unconscious .Hence does not feel pain.

Why should a male dog or cat be neutered?

As they are freed from the urge to mate after neutering, dogs become calmer, more content and affectionate. Inappropriate mounting is eliminated in most cases. Activity level and appetite do not change. However, if your pet tends to put on extra weight, then you can reduce the diet intake and increase exercise level.

Can older dogs be spayed/ neutered and still get benefited?

Yes. But better to operate before 6 months of age.